Tuesday 5 June 2007

FIRST GREEN GUST to get the blades turning REVISED

Every below thing in crinkly brackets {} is the original first post on the blog which I am keeping on the blog because it is of historical interest and perhaps related to notion of the 'tyranny of structurelessness'.

Green left decided that it did not want a team blog if it was run on the basis of open access to its codes and has probably set up a committee to set up its blog and edit posts to it . Initially I thought this was control freakery and objected, but I suspect that they are right.

So as I like the name and I got there first this, now becomes P.Murry's personal "political" blog ie: I won't be putting up much artwork here that's on quadraoptica.blogspot.com and until the GL Blog gets running, GPTU members can contribute to gptublog.blogspot.com.

Anything put up here is done personally not as a rep of GPTU, Green Left, the Green Party or any other organisation.

{This Blog is going to be a team blog open to any member of Green Left. At the moment to post to it you need to send your email address to me, Pete Murry, at yrrumuk@yahoo.co.uk. It will be open to the public and probably in the public domain for legal purposes, ( I don't know I'm not a lawyer but if I put you on the blog I do not personally accept responsibility for any defamation, sedition, indecency or libel that you may post, however enjoyable it may be).

I hereby appoint myself Blog administrator which means I can remove posts if I think neccessary (but I hope it won't be).

If this works it should be an online means of pursuing the discussion we have had at GL meetings and perhaps reaching out to the wider audience we keep talking about.

If not another teabag on the compost heap of history.}

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